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PTA - Parent Teacher Association


     The PTA represents all parents and teachers with its main objective to promote the welfare of the school and the be supportive to the pastor, principal and the school advisory council in school activities and service.

     Families are encouraged to sign up for fundraisers the PTA will be sponsoring throughout the school year. These activities provide an opportunity for getting to know our school community as well as bringing in the needed funds to keep our school operating. Parental involvement is an important element in the development of our SJA community.

     The PTA committee is a collaborative team. The duties are divided and shared as needed each year.

SAC - School Advisory Council


     The focus of the SAC is to provide policy direction for selective program needs of the school, especially in planning, finances and development and to promote the implementation of those policies and to ensure that all policies are in accordance with the policies established by the Archdiocese of Portland.


     As an advisory council to the pastor and principal, the SAC assists both parties in achieving the school philosophy and providing support and consultative guidance. Long term planning and development is done through the council.


     All school families are welcome to attend all open meetings. Opportunity will be given for parents to address SAC. When the Board moves into Executive Session, the meeting is closed to guests.


SAC Council Members:


Standing Members:

  Father Maxy D'Costa

  Mary Haluska

  Teresa Yohn


2022/2023 Board Members:

  Dean Scrutton - Chair

  Steven Cade

  Kelly Cinnamon

  George Coleman

  Nicole Heater

  Lori Means

  Amanda O'Dell



PTA Members:


Standing Members:

  Teresa Yohn


2022/2023 Board Members:

Sean Gray

Araceli Jones

Andrea Kuchler

Nicole Nelson

Ashley Todd

Jordan Graeme

Colleen Bourbonais

Shannon Herrick


SJA Signature - Cross Correct.tiff
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